10th Welcome Evening A social celebration of last season when cups and trophies will be presented to the winners of our annual Print and PDI competitions
17th ZOOM lecture: The Kingdom of the Ice Bear by Bob Johnson, Fakenham
24th Practical Evening Helpful advice on print mounting and presentation
1st Composition Masterclass Richard Cobby ARPS CPAGB. An in-depth evening dealing with every aspect of photographic composition. Member participation encouraged
*Enter images for next week’s PDI competition.
8th PDI League Competition No. 1 Judge: Nicholas Bowman, Loughton CC
15th ZOOM lecture: Computational photography – How our smartphones are beating the big cameras by Gary Friedman
22nd Member’s Mini What the judges look for led by Jim and Debra Bennett
29th From Concrete to the Abstract a new lecture by Ann Miles
*Enter images for next week’s competition.
5th Taken on the Club Outing – The Metcalfe Trophy Four digital images taken on the day in Norwich on 9 June 2024. Judge: David Steel DPAGB, Cambridge
*Prints to be entered for next week’s competition
12th Print League Competition No. 1 Judge Dave Stewart, Wisbech
19th ZOOM lecture: Scotland Behind the Lens by Scottish landscape photographer Stephen Ball of Stephen Ball Photography.
26th Critique Evening Advice on how to get the best of your photography
3rd Along The Stour and Wildlife Photography During The Pandemic Liz Cutting LRPS DPAGB BPE5, Norfolk
4th 3-way Print Battle for the Friendly Cup at Ely PC Battle versus Melbourn and Ely Judge: Jonathan Vaines LRPS CPAGB AFIAP, Cambridge
10th Quiz Night led by Sarah Horsley. Please bring nibbles
7th Iceland in Winter by Colin Westgate FRPS MFIAP APAGB MPAGB, West Mersea. Colin has visited Iceland many times and has some stunning images. Not to be missed!
14th Panel Pics/Creative Board Competitions. Themes chosen by members – up to 3 Panels entered the week before – up to 3 Creative Boards entered on the night. Judge: Jonathan Vaines LRPS CPAGB AFIAP
21st ZOOM lecture: Architecture through the Viewfinder by Martine Hamilton-Knight DLitt (Hon), PGCAP FHEA FRPS. Three decades of professional architectural shooting
*Enter images for next week’s PDI competition.
28th PDI League Competition No. 2 Judge: Andre Neves, Cambridge
4th The Little Print Show Print talk by Jonathan Vaines LRPS CPAGB AFIAP. The art of composition explained
*Prints to be entered for next week’s competition
11th Print League Competition No. 2 Judge:Â Jane Goodall
18th ZOOM lecture: The Faroe Islands, Norway and the Lofoten Islands by Matthew Clarke, Ipswich and District CC
25th The Power of Sport by Peter Milsom EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5, Beyond Group
*Enter images for next week’s PDI competition.
4th PDI League Competition No. 3 Judge: Clive Harward, Cambridge
11th Portrait Workshop led by John Wilderspin LRPS AFIAP. A practical evening with model
18th ZOOM lecture Creative Composites The next installment by Glenys Garnett BA (Hons) of her creative imagery
*Prints to be entered for next week’s competition
25th Print League Competition No. 3 Judge: Penny Reeves, Swavesey
1st Annual General Meeting An important meeting for all members to attend.  Nomination forms to the Secretary a week before
*Enter images for next week’s Hanson Trophy PDI competition
8th  The Hanson Trophy PDI Competition Judge: Alison Jenkins ARPS DPAGB BPE1
15th ZOOM lecture: Starting from a Blank Canvas by Polina Plotnikova. A completely different approacg to flower photography
22nd Easter Holiday – No meeting
*Prints to be entered for next week’s Roger Human Trophy competition.
29th Roger Human Print Trophy Judge: Mrs Naomi Saul ARPS EFIAP DPAGB ASINWP, Shillington.
6th 15 Minutes of Fame Members are invited to show their most successful images of the season. Prints and PDI
8th Club Outing Venue TBA.